Thursday, July 22, 2010

Projectile weapons week

It's my favorite week of all. For normal classes, you have either the ninja throwing stars, or blow darts. For Black Belt Club member classes, they get additional projectile weapons like archery and others that are a little more longer ranged. Not that I'm jealous of them anyway. I've been already taught about the basics about archery by my friend. Last year, because I only go tho the class once that week instead of 2, I only get to try out throwing stars.

Today, we've reviewed our forms and gun self-defenses. I learn that most of the green belts are moving up to red belts. That doesn't bother me none. What bothers me, is that I'm going back to Malaysia next week, which is stripe testing and graduation week. Then, at the end of class, we get to try out the weapons. I didn't do the throwing stars for 2 reasons: I've already done it last year, and that my joint is hurting since Saturday. I don't know why it hurts, maybe it was from last week's board breaking week, or I didn't sleep correctly. We've got 5 tries, it was easier than I thought, because of the width of the barrel. My best hit that day is right between the yellow (center), and red, which is the one before.

Most people there that day is on Black Belt Club theme class. So only me & my friend Dustin are in it. We did the same thing that we did yesterday, except with one thing out of usual. I found out I won the raffle tickets for my age group. So I get a free nun-chucks. It's a black foam nun-chuck with a dragon going down the side. Although people usually fight with 2 of these, I haven't started my weapons training yet, but I made up a few tricks from the nun-chuck forms I watched the black belts do after class. We did the blow darts again. Dustin chose the shorter one, although I preferred the longer on because I believed it's range is longer. Not that it mattered, because our firing range is no more than 25 feet. For each bulls-eye, you get 2 extra raffle tickets, you got 10 tries. Dustin got 1, I aimed more carefully so I got 3. So Dustin got 6 raffle tickets, 4 for class, 2 for 1 bulls-eye. I've got 10 total, 4 for class, 6 for 3 bulls-eye!

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